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New Ways to Follow the Site

·1 min

I went ahead and set up Mastodon and Bluesky accounts for the site this weekend and placed links them and the RSS feed under the new Follow menu.

All new posts (should) get auto posted to those sites as well as through my personal accounts. I’m sure other people have solved for this before, but I ended up writing scripts to do the auto posting. Basically the scripts check the site’s RSS feed for new entries and then post to all of the accounts found in a config file. It logs each link posted in a local file so it doesn’t duplicate posts. I have it running on a local server every five minutes.

I should say by “write” I mean I “heavily relied on ChatGPT” to create the scripts. But it was still a ton of iterating and testing (and a lot of spamming to my accounts) to get it all working right.

The code for it is over on GitHub if anyone wants to make use of it.